Calmar Elementary School


New Accessible Playground

The Calmar Elementary School Parent Teacher Association is excited to have partnered with businesses and families in and around our community to work together to install a new playground for our students and the community!

We started this accessible playground with two initiatives in mind:

  • To increase physical and mental wellness in our children through play, and
  • To be inclusive to all, regardless of physical or mental abilities

We are very excited to have a structure that includes a variety of fun pieces and games for kids of all age levels, as well as having some very unique components.

We have included a “boat,” which is a piece designed specifically for wheelchair/walkers and children with limited physical mobility. This structure actually moves, and allows for the kids to rock it from the outside and the inside, making for greater participation. The other unique element is a “surround.” This piece was designed specifically to target children with Autism, and is loaded with fun sensory pieces.

Thank you to everyone that supported this wonderful community project.